Monday, January 7, 2008

La Befana Day

On Saturday, we went to dinner and Dave ordered this pizza. It was the works let me tell you. It had hot dogs, asparagus, pepperoni, ham, mushroms and cheese. It was interesting!
We went the day before the Epiphany, or La Befana Day. They were having a celebration at the restaurant. This is La Befana.

And this is what she left for us.

Here is a little culture....

The Info below is credited to

On January 6th, it's known to celebrate a festival called "The Epiphany". This festival is celebrated in Italy, and probably other countries that I don't know of. The celebration is all about a good witch called "La Befana" who comes around on that day putting candy in your socks-- but of course, only if you leave your socks hanging beside the fireplace.

"The Epiphany" has it's own reason for celebration, like Santa Claus is celebrated for Jesus being born. "The Epiphany" celebrates the three wise men who made the journey to visit the baby Jesus. The legend begins as the Magi (or the three kings or three wise men) were on their journey to bring presents for baby Jesus. On their way, they asked an old woman for food and drink, but the woman refused, and the Magi kept on walking. A while after they had gone, the woman realised what she had done, but it was too late because the Magi had gone. Now they say she disguises herself as a good witch who we call "La Befana" who rides on a broomstick looking for the baby Jesus, leaving candy for children on her way.

If you are interested more, click here. This was a great readers digest version.


The Jones's said...

This might seem like a silly question but I installed the shelfari bookshelf on my blog, but I don't know how to add books onto it. I have a shefari bookshelf, but am not sure about this one. Please help! :)

Nancy said...

your explanation is SO much better than mine. I noticed you've got the bookshelf up too. Nice touch. And I love Josh Groban.