Saturday, June 13, 2009

The BFG Party

So as most of you know, I decided to try something new with the kids. We decided to read a novel and then watch the corresponding movie. The book was on our bookshelf since it is one of Dave's favorites and I got the movie from the library. So, we took about 2 weeks to read the book and then I prepared a festive party. Here they are with the book.
They are all dressed in white "nities" light the girl in the book wore.
We created giantes on the poster board.
The kids also wrote a dream for The BFG to capture and put on his shelf.

We all gathered around the popcorn for the movie.
and we drank "frobscottle" (green cream soda).
The movie
Their finished posters, sorry they are difficult to see.

It was really fun and we actually really loved the idea. We just had our next novel party tonight. Check back soon for pictures of "How To Eat Fried Worms".


Anonymous said...

That is such an awesome family reading activity! I wish that more parents would read and write with their children. I read parts of this book to my 2nd graders in the fall. It's really fun. The kids would laugh at me as I always stumbled over the fun words that the BFG would say. :)