Friday, January 15, 2010

Amy's Visit

December brought a few weeks of time to spend with Amy. I can honestly say that I was happy to have her in town while we were desperately missing Dave. So, she was a great distraction. What do we do that is so fun? Oh that is the question, we can spend hours... yes I mean hours together letting the kids play at McDonald's while we talk. Well this particular day we opted for smores in the backyard instead.
I took the boys that night and she took the girls and in the morning, mom made us this YUMMY carmel toast from my childhood, I hope one of these days she writes down the recipe so I can make it for the kids!
After yummy breakfast, we went to the Temple Visitors Center and looked at the nativities from around the world. This was really neat and I really enjoyed seeing all the ways cultures have depicted the birth of Christ.

Again, I was thankful for this time before Christmas that Amy was in town so we could spend time with one another and so I could be distracted from the fact that Dave wasn't here. Thanks for the visit Amy!