Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halloween Decorations

As you all know, Halloween is just around the corner. I can't wait. So we started celebrating this past weekend by decorating and coloring. We were hoping to make spooky houses again this year, but the PX didn't get any in :( So, I am on the lookout for a new craft or two this weekend since the kids have off school Friday and Monday. But for now, we started coloring.

The picture above is Laycee, Logan, and some of Haylee's artwork. The pictures Below are Haylee and Trents.
And here we set up most of our decorations. We hung a scare crow on the door.
We are hoping next year to be able to put some stuff outside at our new place. We decorated our balcony here last year, but one of our italian neighbors worked on post, so they decorated as well. However, this year, we have got all new neighbors and I don't know how I feel about decorating outside. Halloween is just hitting Italy, so it is not celebrated like it is in the states. Anyway, throughout the month, look for new and exciting stuff that we will be doing to feel the spirit of Halloween!


Pottruffs said...

I love halloween too. The crafts the kids do, the decorating, the trick or treating, my favorite holiday. Too bad Italy isn't into it. I can't really decorate like I want to. I would go all out, but with selling this house I have to have it show-ready. So I don't know if I want to decorate this year. big dissapointment.

The Older 2 Fozzies said...

The children color well. All those pictures should help decorate the house