Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So Jealous

Laycee is always adament about being right beside me. I rarely get a break from her. Well, the other day when I was doing the dishes, she was no where in my site. I was completely shocked, so I went looking for her. When I walked into the living room, I found Haylee and Laycee cuddling on the couch.
I, of course, was instantly jealous that they were so lovingly cuddling on the couch so happy in sister bliss... and I was in the kitchen doing my least favorite chore of all. I almost gave up on the dishes to join in the fun, but I didn't want to ruin a good thing. Well that and the dishes weren't doing themselves.


Terrilee said...

Ok... this layout is awesome!I'm totally loving it!! Every last detail of it!

How sweet your girls are! Makes me wish Kirra had or little sister to love on... or MAYBE not so much...but still. lol

So- you've been blogging a WHOLE lot lately... I'm loving it. Either you're posting enough for the both of us, or you're just trying to make me look bad. LOL... My mood will decide how I feel about that. LOL!

I do plan on blogging all of the events in my life..but these walls are STILL dirty! Stupid inspection is on Monday... and I'm still considering not cleaning at all for it! HAHAHAHAHA

This is what you get when I call at dinner time.... If I cant talk on the phone...I post insanely long blog comments.

See you tomorrow.... You get to be homemakerish... now theres a word for ya!

Angela said...

John Paul II said "Never deny our child the chance to love another sibling." And I think he is spot on! How wonderful that Haylee was willing to snuggle Laycee and that Laycee would go to her! That is a great gift!
And Hey! At least you got to complete the dishes with out a toddler on your leg! (Dishes are not my favorite thing either, but I think vacuuming is my least favorite!)