Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Only 2 more days

We are getting down to crunch time now. Bags are not packed, kids are not ready, airplane supplies not bought, yet who can pass up a Super Bowl/Birthday/Going Away Party right? So, we all headed to Angela and Mikes for one of those parties. Dave was so excited because the Cardinals were in the Super Bowl.
They even made Laycee and Logan a birthday cake. And Deven bought all the kids something to do on the plane, which came in handy. The books were so cute that she got for Laycee and Logan, I will have to post a review on those one day lol. Laycee LOVED them. And Haylee loved her hidden pictures book and the 100 activies to do in a car cards were so helpful.

Here is half the clan.

And the other half... oh we miss you all so much!

On Monday, Amanda brought us some homemade manicotti and we loved it. It was so nice to see them once more before we left and the kids loved holding Peyton.

And after dinner, we frantically did our packing and preparing to leave the next day.