Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Part 2: Arizona

Ok, so after our horrible mishap at the airport the night before, where we evidently missed the airplane even though we saw it sitting there. Anyway, we woke at 4 am to get to the airport for a 6 am flight to Chicago and a 3 hr layover before heading onto Phoenix. Oh it was a horrible day. Laycee was mad about being on the plane, but we were happy when we got there. This was the first flight, Dave and Logan crashed!
Trent played Haylee's DS becuase his ran low on battery.
Haylee loved the inflight entertainment lol.

And Laycee colored for about 5 mintes before proceeding to scream again.
The layover was long, but we bought some neck pillows, gave motrin to the little kids for their teeth, and all slept on the second flight. It was much needed rest before our vacation in AZ!