Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Commissary- Thursday

Thursday I went to the commisary so I could get some food for our trip. And for the first time, the babies got to sit in the car cart. They loved it for about 3 minutes and Julie held Laycee while she slept the rest of the trip.


Nancy said...

Jaron sat in that once. It was fun for a few minutes, and then I ended up holding him....

Fosburgh Family said...

My kids always beg to get in those and then they climb out when I stop or get on top! I hate those things so much. But your kids look so cute in there!

Twinsmom said...

Welcome back Lexi! I hope to see some photos of Euro Disney on your blog soon. You are giving me hope that our trip to Minneapolis with all four kids will go well this summer.

Mandi Napoleon said...

My kids love those carts. Ours sit a little higher off the ground... and for some reason are really hard to push and turn, I always knock things down.