Friday, November 14, 2008

They Fight

Oh do they fight. This is new territory for me. Haylee and Trent have always been so good. They have their occassional tiffs, but for the most part, they are few and far between. Laycee and Logan on the other hand, that is definately not the case. I feel like we have a permanent daycare in our house, and before too long we will be taking the paint off the walls with tears. There is a competition in everything now. There is fighting, yelling, pushing, screaming, crying, and sad faces everyday. I don't know when they turned into toddlers, it seems like overnight. But I do know that if this doesn't pass soon, I think I will have consult a professional lol. We buy two of everything, but do you think that helps? Oh no! They still want what the other one has. Other moms of twins complain about the same thing. It is not just me, but it is seriously annoying. So, I thought I would post a very nice sweet video of them fighting over who gets to stand in timeout. This is nothing compared to our everyday scenes. That is why I posted this one lol.


The Older 2 Fozzies said...

Time to call Nanny 911......

Kevin W. Fosburgh said...

Well what do you expect. They spent 9 months crammed together in a uterus. Now that they are out, they are always together. I think it is only natural. But to fight over time that is a little weird.


Pottruffs said...

My sister also has a boy and girl twin set. They are 3 now. She says she has those days. My kids are not twins and I can't keep them from fighting for one day. I would love a fight free moment in my life. What am I doing wrong? How do your others get along so well?

Jessica said...

oh boy. that is so funny. but yes i know how frustrating it is. even though my girls arent the same age they "fight" constantly. usually it is the taking turn thing. i feel like a referee. i am hoping it gets better and not worse with time. i am not looking forward to teenage hood. oh dear.

Angela said...

cute little kids. Ah toddlerdom, the love hate part of parenting continues. :-)

Loni West said...

haha, that is too cute! i think you should be proud to have your toddlers fight over time out. lol that's funny.