This past Saturday, Logan finished his last soccer game of the season. He LOVED soccer and is now begging to start basketball lol. As a celebration, we took the kids bowling. Dave loves bowling and we almost never go, so this was quite a treat.
Trent's first time bowling by himself. He was barely able to get the ball rolling lol.

Logan took a few chucks himself, but we at least tried to help him. He wanted to carry the ball himself everytime!

Laycee loved to get the help throwing the ball and then she would sit on the ground and watch it roll.

Haylee was loving this. Bowling is something she really enjoys and she was "serious" about this. She wanted the best score possible.

It was so much fun. The lanes here were surprisingly nice and we loved our time playing. We purchased an hour and got through 5 frames of the second game. I was impressed the kids could keep up to try and get as many turns in as possible. I was thankful Dave decided on this spontaneous outting.