Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Breath of Heaven

This is my little Breath of Heaven. I hope you enjoy my piece of heaven as much as I do.


Nancy said...

What are you talking about, "you need me to teach me tricks on windows movie maker?" This was awesome! I like all your transitions and stuff in your movie. I've found that if I upload my movies to utube the images come out clearer than with photobucket or blogger. Your kids did very well for Christmas! Love that song too. Jaron giggled at the videos in double-time with the chipmunk voices. He thought it was funny.

Lexi said...

Dave got me new software for christmas, so it isn't movie maker. I can't figure out how to take out the audio in double time though. We are experimenting on how to make the pictures clearer too because it save in multiple formats, but I am glad you liked it. I like to try new things when I see you do them.

Pottruffs said...

Ah, how sweet. What a great video. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas. My kaeli got that bear stuffer thing from Santa this year too. She loved it and that was the first thing she played with. Merry Christmas!

Fosburgh Family said...

It looks like you guys had a wonderful christmas. I really liked this video I am not very good at doing things like that!

Twinsmom said...

Lexi, It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas. Great job on the video/slide show. I'm going to have to learn how to do that. How do you get you twins to remain so calm??? My guys never would have stayed in one place and they would have devoured all the wrapping paper. That's why we had to keep them out of the room for the gift opening. Have a terrific new year with your piece of heaven!

Kevin W. Fosburgh said...

lol..they all sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks. lol.

And we had monkey bread for Christmas breakfast too. Idea stealer.

Lexi said...

Lori, it is easy to get them to stay still and calm because they don't move and seriously lack the motivation to do so. I guess I just do to much for them, who knows?