Finally I get to complete the report of our trip. So, Part One of our trip with a 48 hour stop in Baltimore and DC. We flew into DC and stayed with Dennis and Lynda in Baltimore. When we first got there, Trent was so excited to try on Dennis' motorcycle helmet.
Trent was so overwhelmed by where he should start playing. And Haylee actually won a huge basketball in that claw machine behind Trent. It is the orange and white one about center right of the picture.
And here we are taking a break while eating. There is a game next to us that we all kept playing. Apparently someone put in nearly 300 or so tokens and didn't play them or something, so we played it for 3 hrs getting tickets. All of us taking turns. Because of that, we gathered so many tickets!
Hi there,
Like you, we're passionate about health and fitness, so much we went out and created a short entertainment series around our adventures encouraging our friend Kim to the gym.
If you’re interested, you can watch our videos and learn more about us on our social networking site
Hope you get a laugh out of the videos. We’d love you to post an episode on your blog if you think your readers would gain something from them or share the videos with the ‘Kims’ they know!
Kind regards
Les Mills and Me
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