Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy New Year

Yes I am so slow and yes I realize that it is now nearing the end of February and I am just getting around to New Years. However, I am trying lol. Christmas came and went and before you know it, we were all back in school again. The months seem to be dragging but the days and weeks are flying. Dave has been gone 5 months now and I am excited to be approaching the midway point soon. Also, I am in the middle of another semester of school and if things work out how I hope (which you all know that life never does), I will be completeing school next semester, but I am not getting my hopes up. The kids seem to be happy to be in AZ and are also getting ready for Dave to come home, hopefully the next months will pass by quickly. So... here it is, me trying to catch up again.
So, on New Years, Kevin was dog sitting but was going out that night, so mom took his place. That left me home alone with the kids. Mom and I had a New Years dinner before she left of steak and crab. Then the kids and I watch the Disney countdown to a new year until 1155, when I turned it onto the Time Square channel.
Happy New Year
Yummy crab!!
What a sweet girl
Finally, a good smile!
The DS kept him happy for hours.
It was a good even followed by a great year. Now is the time, since it is February, to remind you all of your resolutions and I hope you get refocused! What is on my list? Just making it through each day without feeling like it was a wasted day