Sunday, January 29, 2012


Fog like this makes me miss Italy.  We rarely see fog like this is Arizona.  And as I woke up to take the children to preschool this morning, I was taken to another time.  I cannot believe so many years have now passed since we have been in Italy. It was the last place I would call home.  As we are settling into a new life with 4 moves behind us since we left Italy 3 years ago, I am beginning to finally feel like we are settling into a new home. I have been so thankful for so many things since we have moved to Arizona.  The children have friends again.  We have an amazing church group.  I am beginning to make friends.  And Dave and I are beginning to look at future life here in Arizona.  I am really thankful that now when I think back on Italy, I miss the people and being there, but now we have a new place to call Home.