One thing I have noticed as the kids get older is the very annoying way that teachers wait until the last month of school to pull out some "creative" and time consuming project that must get done in a week. The clearly do not think about the time it takes to care for a 4 month old, two preschoolers AND find time for extra projects alone. In addition, I am not creative and have unfortunately passed on that trait to at least 3 of my 5 children. However, projects are still assigned and completed on time. Trent had to research an animal from The Great Barrier Reef. We were both frustrated when the teacher sent home the assignment on Friday, so we worked on the paper portion over the weekend. Come Monday, she sends home his assigned topic, NOT on the animal we wrote the paper about and he had to start all over, no exceptions (I wrote the teacher and asked). I do say that thankfully it was a typed paper because that works better with Trent's dyslexia. So we had 5 days to write a new paper and come up with a "display". He built his hammer head shark out of clay and labeled the body parts.

Haylee has the uncanny ability to choose the hardest topics ever! She was very proud of how her Apache Tribe poster turned out. She is getting really good at learning about research and how to take the writers words to make them her own.
In addition to school, scouts calls! They were holding a box car race. The boys were required to build a car out of a box. Here is his bumper and wheels.
He is painting away.
Part two of his shark project.
His finished car and his mighty eye patch. That is part of his lazy eye therapy.
His finished project
Pictures to come of the scout race. This was unfortunately one of those times when I hated Dave being gone. Really the day to day of life was hard and extra school projects tipped me into the unbearable side of things. However, the time passed, projects completed and memories made.