Thursday, January 31, 2013


End of May always brings about graduation time.  May 2012, we travelled to Flagstaff to watch Loni's commencement from NAU's teacher program!  So proud of her
 Logan and Laycee graduated preschool as well.  They were attending a special needs preschool as "peer models".  Logan's teache does a fun, walk over the bridge when the kids move onto kindergarten.

 Laycee's teacher did a really fun party!  Laycee struggled so much in preschool and I was thankful that she was here in this preschool.  Because they were more accustomed to working with secial needs children, they were so great with Laycee.  She was intended to be there to be a mainstream model for the other children, but she needed so much help socially and behaviorally.  I was thankful for this program.

 The two who helped us through preschool.
I cannot believe looking back how much they have grown!  On Friday, they will be 6 years old and the time has just flown by!