Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tummy Time

Let's start off by saying, I am not much one for tummy time.  I never have been.  But with William, I have made a small effort to get him on his tummy from time to time so he can work those head muscles.  I know clearing the head from side to side is a really important developmental skill.  So here he is at 3 weeks.

 4 weeks

 And 9 weeks! 

I was shocked the day I put him down and he just lifted his head right up like a champ!  I was really excited about it.  I still don't do much tummy time, but it was really rewarding to see William make progress over time.  I have really enjoyed being a baby mom this time around.  I never liked the newborn stage before, but William makes it all so fun and new.  I can't wait to see what the next few months of milestones hold!