Saturday, April 2, 2011


Today was Dave's birthday. We woke up to a huge list of things we needed to do and things we wanted to do... and we decided to do neither lol. Here is my special man holding his birthday candles... he turned 32.

We went to the AMC near our house and were lucky enough to end up in their new renovated theater with the fully reclining chairs! IT WAS AWESOME!!! We saw the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid moving... which was also AWESOME! Haylee and Trent settled right in and loved it.
These seats were perfect because Laycee is a bit antsy so she could move around a lot!
Here is the birthday man relaxin with popcorn and Reeces
After the movie we did some needed shopping and just did some fun hanging out. We tried Panera Bread for the first time. We came home to actually do a bit of work and got Dave's birthday cake ready. Laycee dropped the candle, so he didn't really get 32 lol.
We sang happy birthday
And he spent almost 5 minutes blowing out relighting candles.
For his birthday, we bought him two new games called Castle Panic and Munchkin. We spent the remainder of the night playing Castle Panic. Another great year has passed. Happy Birthday Dave!!!!!!