Saturday, October 4, 2008

Family Appreciation Day

A bit ago, the post held a family appreciation day. It was alright, but there were lots of fun things for the kids to do and free food. So we spent a few hours there.
Here is Logan playing Bocce.
These guys are waiting to jump on the trampoline.
Trent got his face painted to be a POWER RANGER. (Too bad I didnt get video of his ranger moves lol)
And Haylee gets set to jump.


The Older 2 Fozzies said...

They had those eurojumping things at the kids fair we went too. We waited in line forever to find out is cost 10 dollars for 2 minutes. Needless to say the kids didn't get to jump. But they weren't too sad about it. Looks like it was a fun filled day.

The Jones's said...

Haylee looks pretty brave. I'm not sure I would be equal to that, though definitely not in my current condition! :) And I can't believe your son is into Power Rangers. These things come back to us, because I can remember when Emery and I used to watch Power Rangers all the time, same with TMNT! So crazy! :)

Pottruffs said...

Fun, I want a turn.