Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Day of School

So the Dave left from leave to go back to the Middle East, the kids and I decided to go ahead and start school. Here is Trent working on his math.
He does really like math... composition, that is another story!
Here is Haylee working on some critical thinking I believe.
I have really liked this program. We did the through the first test prior to leaving AZ. Now we have begun again. The classroom is a work in progress, but we are making it. I have been really pleased with our decision to homeschool this year. It helped a ton with the transition and since Dave is working 1/2 days or on leave until pretty much the end of the year, it is nice to have them home with him.


The Jones's said...

Keep up the good work. I will be interested to hear how you are liking the Culvert school.