Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Move

The day after Dave went back to the middle east, we finally got a call from the housing office saying we would have a house ready in a few weeks. I was so thankful for this call because Dave was supposed to be home in 5 weeks and we had no idea about housing. We put out names on the list in June and in August, we finally got that call. The house was to be ready mid Sept. So... 4 days before we were able to move in, we headed out from AZ with every inch of the car packed and Nana in the front seat.
The first night we drove to Stockton, CA. We wanted to get a full day of driving in and we did. Of course, as soon as we got there, the kids wanted to let out all that energy they built up. The next day, we set out to go through the rest of CA...

and almost all of Oregon. We considered going all the way, but all of us were getting bored and tired.
The second night, we were a little smarter. We stopped a bit earlier and walked over to the grocery store (to give the kids a little run time) and picked up dinner.
What did we pick up? None other than french bread and cheese! lol. The 3rd day, we treked the last 4 hours to WA, hoteled close to post and went to do some important errands before accepting the house. Finally, on the 4th day in the rain, we got the keys to the house and mom and I started working busily on unpacking the car and the storage shed.
Move Part II coming up