Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Potty Training Update

I couldn't resist when they decided they had to go at the same time. I thought it was tough with the 2 kids, now we have 4 fighting over the bathroom. We even have a second bathroom but the kids are afraid of it, so Dave has turned it into his quiet sanctuary lol. Anyway, I think we have been potty training for 3 weeks now. Oh the first 3 days were horrible. I was constantly cleaning up accidents. But now I clean up about 2 accidents for Laycee and rarely one for Logan. They have almost even figured out the poopin thing. Logan also stays dry for naps and bed. So, we have come a long way and I am pleased with their progress. No they are not perfect and they aren't trained YET, but we are making great strides and my diaper usage is down to 1 a day for Bed for Laycee!


Nancy said...

Wow, I'm so impressed. We're going to hit it hard when we get back to Italy.

Jenny said...

That is awesome!!